Raven Tracker 1.5.15

Raven Tracker 1.5.15

Version 1.5.15 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds a new Weekly Cash Sheet Status Report. This provides accountants a live overview of cash sheet progression for all active sites.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.14

Raven Tracker 1.5.14

Version 1.5.14 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds a Daily Comments table to the weekly cash sheet, verifies cash balance and cash available throughout the cash sheet lifecycle, and fixes the time input widget on iPad.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.13

Raven Tracker 1.5.13

Version 1.5.13 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds 4-4-5 Calendar Payroll support. This enables accountants to select multiple wage sheets to be exported at once to Sage Payroll.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.12

Raven Tracker 1.5.12

Version 1.5.12 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds a new Weekly Wage Sheet Status Report. This provides accountants a live overview of wage sheet progression for all active sites.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.11

Raven Tracker 1.5.11

Version 1.5.11 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds drag & drop sorting of employees on Wage Sheet tables, adds a new Wage Template export filetype, and saves snapshot files to the Activity Log whenever the Wage Template is changed.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.10

Raven Tracker 1.5.10

Version 1.5.10 of Raven Tracker is now available. Improved Furlough functionality returns in this release! Furlough claims are now automatically calculated for Sage Payroll Template export files, and there is a new Furlough Claim Sheet which provides more information on how the claim was calculated.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.9

Raven Tracker 1.5.9

Version 1.5.9 of Raven Tracker is now available. This releases adds Job Support Scheme (JSS) functionality to the Weekly Wage Sheets and Wage Template, and adds a new JSS Claim Sheet export filetype.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.8

Raven Tracker 1.5.8

Version 1.5.8 of Raven Tracker is now available. This releases adds a ‘Remember Me’ option to the login panel, enabling users to be logged in automatically on subsequent visits. For accountants there is a new weekly Cash Balance Report.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.7

Raven Tracker 1.5.7

Version 1.5.7 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds a new Junior Accountant User Role and grants payroll read permissions to Pub Managers. The Raven framework has received significant performance improvements, security updates and bug fixes.

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Raven Tracker 1.5.6

Raven Tracker 1.5.6

Version 1.5.6 of Raven Tracker is now available. This release adds settings for pub owners to configure email notifications. For accountants, sites and companies have new states. A change in state generates a notification displayed in the Navigator Panel.

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